Irina Proskurina on Maximizing the Impact of Your PR Campaign: What Comes After Article Publication

So, you’ve done it — your article has been published, shining a spotlight on you or your business. But what happens next? Do you need to immediately seek new publications? At E-PR Online, we know that a good PR text can serve a lot of purposes beyond simply being quality reading material.

The journey doesn’t end with a publication. In fact, it’s just the beginning of a whole new chapter in your PR efforts. While getting your story out is a major milestone, there’s a lot more you can do to leverage that article’s exposure and continue reaping the benefits. Let’s dive into some impactful steps you can take after publishing your article.

1. Share the News on Social Media
Your business’ social media platforms are your megaphone to the world. So why not shout out about your article and share the excitement with your followers? Share the article link, along with eye-catching screenshots and compelling quotes. Remember, your followers are your built-in audience who already have an interest in what your business does. By showcasing your feature, you’re not just broadcasting news, but also offering a glimpse into your brand’s journey and new products or services.

You can combine your go-to social media content with your publication too. For instance, if your article talked about an innovative product you’ve just launched, showcase a snapshot of the product in action with a snippet of the article’s praise.

2. Craft an “About Us” Page
Capitalize on your newfound exposure by creating a dedicated “About Us” page on your brand’s website. This page is a reflection of your company’s journey, highlighting its values, milestones, and accomplishments. Link to your recently published article and let visitors know that your business has been recognized by the media. This will not only enhance your brand credibility but also leave a lasting impression on your website visitors.

Pro-tip: you can divide the “About Us” page into different categories depending on your publications. It could be such sections as:

About our product/service, etc.
It will help your site visitors navigate your media coverage and learn more about the brand.

3. Engage Through Email Newsletters
Your article is also a great opportunity to re-engage with your existing customers. Craft a newsletter that shares the article, along with a personal note expressing gratitude for their support. This not only reminds them of your brand but also provides an avenue for them to share the article with their network.

Pro-tip: don’t forget to include a call-to-action that encourages recipients to engage with your brand. For example, ask them to forward the newsletter to friends who might find it interesting. Or you might want to invite them to check out your latest products and shop at lower prices — it’s up to you to choose the incentives.

4. Leverage Word of Mouth
Remember — friends, colleagues, and partners are your brand’s biggest advocates, especially when you’re just starting out. Send them the article and ask if they’d be willing to share it with their connections. Positive recommendations fr om people who know and trust you can go a long way in generating new interest and business.

For instance, if your article discussed your community involvement, reach out to friends and colleagues who have witnessed your dedication firsthand. By amplifying word of mouth, you can strengthen your PR and increase reach with little effort.

5. Spruce Up Your Business Presentations
When you’re pitching your business to potential clients, partners, or investors, you can leverage publications as well. Mention that your story has been featured in the media when you’re presenting the company. It’s a strong validation of your credibility and can give you an edge over your competition. This simple mention can spark curiosity and make people on the other side of the table more receptive to what you have to offer.

So next time you prepare a pitch or presentation, weave in a reference to the article when discussing your achievements during a presentation. You can include some screenshots or even share the article link in extra prez materials.

6. Elevate Your Wikipedia Profile
If you have a Wikipedia page, including your media feature can be a valuable addition. It lends a third-party perspective and adds weight to your accomplishments. Just ensure that the inclusion adheres to Wikipedia’s guidelines for verifiability and neutrality. For instance, if the article highlighted your (or your brand’s) contributions to a specific field, add a section to your Wikipedia page that discusses these contributions and references the article.

And if you don’t have a Wiki yet, your publication will become a great place to start mapping out the content for your future page. You can add references, quotes, or photos from the article to the relevant sections of the page.

7. Frame It with Pride
Don’t underestimate the power of the physical. Print out the article, frame it, and place it prominently in your workspace. It’s a tangible reminder of your achievement and a source of inspiration on days when you need a boost for new business ideas. So don’t be shy — choose a visible spot in your office wh ere both you and visitors can see the framed article, showcasing your accomplishments.

Wrap Up
Remember, an article publication is like planting a seed — it’s up to you to nurture it and watch it grow. The steps you take after the initial publication can significantly impact the long-term benefits you derive from the exposure. Each action you take further establishes your brand, expands your network, and solidifies your position as a credible and influential figure in your field.

In our media-savvy world, seizing opportunities like article features can mean the difference between blending in and standing out. So, embrace these post-publication strategies, and watch as your PR efforts continue to flourish long after the ink has dried.


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