The PR Business Reinvented – E-PR Inc.’s Progressive Business Model Adapting to The Digital Era

What Value Do They Offer the Customer?
CEO and founder, Irina Proskurina fully understands that for a business to be profitable, it first needs to be valuable. E-PR aims to provide promotional services, which clients can engage in either for themselves or for their business. The site is created to be a personal shopping experience for the client, and from there on they can choose a media platform which they would like to advertise on. This can be based on certain criteria that they are looking for, such as demographic, reach, cost, location, etc. This is a one-stop-shop and E-PR helps eliminates the need for customers to find this information on their own, as well as no longer needing to find the appropriate contacts. The client gains convenience from this and receives a service that meets their current needs.
Who is Their Target Audience?
The main reach here for the company is anyone looking for advertising. This advertising can be done as a means to get the clients name out there, or to promote their business in terms of a service or product that they provide. E-PR works with various media platforms that range in theme, going anywhere from Finance to Gardening to Automobiles, and anything far and between. This allows for a variety of clients to be interested in the platform, since the site works with them to give them specific options that would match what they are looking for. A client can look through filters and narrow down exactly what website they would like to work with. Currently, the company is working with U.S. and Eastern European media platforms to have on their website, so the target audience currently matches those that are interested in having their content published in those areas. As the brand expands, they plan on working with other media sites from different countries, so the market segment will expand to those areas as well.
Why is This Profitable? Advertising as a business has worked for clients globally for as long as it has been around. In the year 2020, it is highly profitable. To look specifically at E-PR Inc., the business takes a percentage from the advertising costs. Their team negotiates pricing with the media to first and foremost, get their client the lowest possible cost. From there, they negotiate a percentage for themselves which they will receive from the overall cost of advertising. Clients are not paying an additional fee for advertising on top of what they are paying to the media, which makes it more appealing for them as well. E-PR also offers other services to clients, such as writing their content for them, translating texts, and so forth. These are additional services which a customer can choose to purchase, if they are in need of them. E-PR acts as the middleman between two entities and creates a smoother process for everyone involved.
As a new online platform, they are paving the way for a fully digital PR experience, which gives consumers autonomy of choice, and to be able to serve themselves. The media benefits by gaining clients which want to purchase advertising, which is essential for their business. This reinvented format for a business model is meant to reduce costs, increase revenue, and overall increase customer satisfaction.


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