E-PR Online’s CEO Irina Proskurina on How Publishing on Media Boosts Your Business’s SERP Rating

Are you a business owner or an individual entrepreneur who’s looking to reach wider audiences and improve customer acquisition? Then chances are, you need quality PR services.

My name is Irina Proskurina, and I am the CEO of E-PR Online – a forward-thinking digital PR agency. Our team blends time-tested strategies with innovative approaches to help people leverage PR for higher sales, better reputation, more effective networking, and more. We work with 10,000 renowned media around the world, and publishing in these outlets has helped thousands of our clients reach their goals.

One of such goals is becoming more visible on search engines and promoting business content on search engines in general.

If you are looking to appear at the top of Google search results, consider publishing on quality online media. Analyses and case studies show that mentioning a particular brand in authoritative sources leads to a significant increase in brand awareness and ranking. Media publications featuring your branded content will allow you to reap numerous SEO-related benefits.

Why Care about SERP?
SERP (search engine results page) is a search engine’s response to a user’s search request. The higher your business ranks on SERP, the more discoverable, relevant, and credible it is to online users. A high SERP ranking is also much more efficient at attracting people to your website than even the flashiest ads.

Think about it from the point of view of an ordinary user. When you google a product or service, you would rather click on the top 5-10 search results than waste time scrolling down several pages, right? Now imagine your business occupies one of these top SERP positions. The amount of recognition you get will instantly skyrocket, bringing you more visitors and eventually converting them into real customers.

What is more, a high SERP ranking is a great source of brand credibility and trust. When users see your name on top of a search results page, they will know they’re clicking on a reliable link to get a quality product/service.

How Does Publishing on Media Affect Your SERP Ranking?
Publishing original content about you and your business is an excellent source of a SERP ranking boost. And here’s why:

fresh, high-quality online media content increases publishing velocity – the rate at which pages are created and published. You can use media publications as a basis for shorter social media content pieces or quote them in your blogs. A higher publishing velocity directly translates into the relevance of your brand on Google searches;

media publications drive organic traffic to your web pages. And it’s not random online users who have stumbled upon your site accidentally. These people have clicked on your link with intent upon reading material dedicated to you and your brand. The growing organic traffic brings your name even higher up the SERP;

media publishers populate content with relevant keywords related to your brand and niche. PR agencies and media outlets work hand-in-hand with SEO specialists who conduct keyword research for each publication. They choose the keyword combinations that will improve your SERP rankings and make it easier for people to find you online;
media publications are enriched with backlinks. Backlinks enhance your domain authority as well as the authority of your content and increase its discoverability across other online channels. The more quality backlinks the publication has, the higher your branded web pages will rank on SERP.

These are just some of the ways publishing on media will help you appear on top of Google, Yahoo, Yandex, and other search engine result pages. Give it a go and get discovered through top-quality articles and blogs on the most popular online media by hundreds of thousands of users. The subsequent jump in your SERP ranking will convert into booming business growth in no time.

Taking Your First Steps toward Quality High-Ranking Media Publications
Now you might be wondering how you can approach media publishing to boost your SERP rating and reap more benefits. Naturally, turning to a reputable PR agency is the best way to ensure your brand narrative becomes an organic part of the online media space. But if you’re determined to take matters into your own hands, you need to learn the trade of reaching out to online media. While it may seem intimidating, your marketing team can master pitching to media outlets in no time.

Here are a few tips you can implement in your pitching strategy right away:

Identify the outlets that are relevant to your niche and target audience. Don’t pitch to certain media just because they have big names. Go for those outlets that cover the news about your industry and will be interested in telling readers about your business. And of course, keep your ideal customer persona in mind. Do they read the outlets of your choice? If not, you won’t benefit as much from increased brand awareness.
Be selective with your branded content. What stories about/around your brand are particularly newsworthy? Brainstorm with your marketing team, go over the trending stories in your niche, and take a look at what your competitors are publishing.
Pitch via email: it is the best outreach channel. More than 90% of PR specialists still value personal emails over other forms of pitching. This is a great personalized communication channel to put forward your ideas and build relations.
Personalize your pitch. It’s not only about the media you’re pitching to but also the person you’re communicating with. Do your research on the reporter/journalist you’re reaching out to and try to align your ideas with their news values. This approach will boost your chances of being selected for publication.

Remember: the more you pitch to media outlets, the more you’ll understand what type of content your brand can offer to the media space. And once you’ve scored your first publication, it’s going to be all downhill from there.

Source: techbullion.com